ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

rather than continuing to try to hit the 20 message cap I’m going to go to sleep

this was a good joke amirite

anyways the N kill is actually weirdly a sorta good look for Cheese? from a viewpoint where you don’t know eevee is going to pivot into a Cit claim killing N forces Cheese into a thunderdome between me and eevee and it wasn’t really looking like that was a thunderdome he was going to win, whereas there was a decent amount of suspicion on N thanks to a certain player deciding that fakeclaiming Lookout with a redcheck on a townie was a good idea

not sure this totally applies since N was probably taking himself out of the thunderdome with his night results anyways but it’s a thought I had

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honestly I have a hard time seeing this post as coming from a scum PoV

people were suspecting eevee based on him claiming RB’d, Cheese would have no reason as scum here to jump in and talk about how eevee is actually telling the truth (unless eevee is also scum but I see that as very unlikely)

maybe depends on whether he’d expect that to be the sort of thing that gets him towncred but

but that of course means that someone in my six town is wrong


I feel like you’re, for lack of a better word, taking this game more seriously than you’ve been taking games in the past

is there a particular reason for this?

apart from Jake I kind of hate all of Jmw’s votes, not going to lie

but they’ve also been pretty townie in general

N being the N2 Mafia kill over exactly sulit is honestly kinda weird

odds of N being protected were way higher than the odds of sulit being protected and if sulit was gone the Mafia could pretty freely kill whoever else they wanted

should maybe look into N’s Iso in the morning


have you ever rolled NK or a similar role, and if so can you link me to the game in question?

actually I would also like this from the people who have, i.e. @sulit and @PoisonedSquid, albeit for partially different reasons

time to find out if I can post a twenty-first post

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apparently I can

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‘Arete was the entire point of this analysis an attempt at hitting the consecutive posting limit’

no comment

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anyways it’s 3 AM so I’m going to try the whole ‘sleep’ thing again

see you guys in the morning

oh hi im late by 22 mins

no change in opinion that eevee is scummy

bye im going to sleep

Don’t have school today :sunglasses:

I asked

I’m still in awe of the 30 posts Arete made in a row



Six most likely to be town:
Annnd Wazza probably but I don’t know