ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Should I be wrong with the assumption, that’s fine.

I just don’t want to out who got saved from attack.

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/vote italy i forgot who i voted

Hi isaac quick question. U had a weird post where u said ur a cit in response to no one. What was that about?

I am going to take that back

Other scenarios I think you as scum and other times I see you as town.

i was just reminding everyone that im citizen

Honestly I am not good in reading people myself - never said I am smart.

Ok well we all know

I am going to say that mafia scum team insists of Katze, Isaac_Gonzalez, Universal and Anjic in no particular order.


Im sorry but is this a pr claim, as if it is we need to actually rethink our prs

So I am wrong I cant keep making assumptions and eventually even the smallest detail will make the jigsaw puzzle complete.

No I am not claiming PR, I would have CC’ed ClonedCheese and put me in the thunderdome together with Eevee or just about any Citizen claim. It doesn’t change.

@Frostwolf103 been half an hour

damn it took you long to say that

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I’m ISOing Possessed

And what are you doing during the last half a hour? Were you typing?



Why does it matter what I’m doing I’m waiting for you to answer a simple question I asked 30 minutes ago.

Not calling you mafia.