ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

A Escort who roleblocks two TI’s and it’s suddenly declared as bad escort decisions.

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The RTs arent informed either they just have to assume they are, if more than one spawns of that type. Its basic setup info

They roleblocked Eevee who i dont think claimed TI (i may be wrong on this one) at that point and didnt RB N2.

That’s exactly I am going to assume?

Haven’t I said that? Or does it only count for all roles outside of Citizen.

hey let’s explain this calmly
You say you are VT
Which means you can be any one of the 7 VT that are guaranteed to spawn
Remember, we have like 10 VT claims because some of those are mafia


Well I think this Wazza’s argument
But as explained before, my N1 assumption was actually right and N2 I was witched

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I’ve scumread Cheese before, but right now, it sounds like you’re trying to push pressure off of you even though there’s little pushing involved

Frost im just gonna walk away. I dont see how u cant see that 8 cits cant claim 1 spot. It makes 0 sense

I forgot to submit the action on my side
but i got witched

No, Eevee claimed to have been rbed D2, after N1

i assume this is toward me
I just wanna get things clear because i see people struggling with unclear stuff

you right
read that as N2 oops

No, this is towards Frost



Let’s pick the most simplest solution of this outburst.

You’ve got a lot of people pushing on you rn. Completely opposite of Frost

Yes that Cits cant cc a role they dont know themselves to even be

Did you even read it yourself?

Frost u have me and Squid pushing you. Cheese has like 4-6


@eevee-sama Can you please acknowledge Frost’s presence every once in a while?

I can’t CC a role, a slot.

you can’t cc a slot either

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