ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

can we CFD to marshal just for this

I’m taking a break from this thread because every time I try to write anything it just turns into yelling at Marshal and I don’t want to be that person

also I gave concrete proof that you’re wrong but I guess reading comprehension is overrated

Arete, just remember:

If you are town, Marshal has to write a book in rhyme without the letter E

u just salty that i’ve destroyed you with facts and logic

mad cuz bad

sorry nerd

FACT: The moon is a Natural Sattelite.

Now marshal, answer the damn question:

Alright bud, when you get back would I be able to get some of your non-Marshal reads?

i thought i posted it

lul there are so many

arete already shelved my slot


im looking and i cant see it

i think i control x’ed it to join in on a different argument but control x’ed something else so imma have to start fresh

actually no u can suck it imma go do my math hw fuck all of y’all <3


vulgard jake iso coming later today

vulgard jake has died!

Sigh I’m waiting for jgoes to process my dayvig so that I don’t have to make a jake iso

Sure – I’ve been doing that all day, did you have any you were particularly interested in or that you wanted to hear more about?

arete you have 1 shot at redemption left

please answer my poll

what poll

this post

is this going to be an NSFW pun

this is ur last chance b4 deathtunnel

pick wrong and u lose