ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Yes I did, I am saying a tie is stupid

And group scum make sense, how?

They are.

SK wonā€™t win untill they eliminate mafia.
The majority thing in 3 mafia, 1 town, 1 sk is easy to understand, but it goes even deeper when we count witch into it.

Imagine 3 mafia, 1 sk, 1 witch, 2 town.
(2 more players than previous example, so can happen earlier in the game)

Does witch side SK?

No, if they side mafia they already won due to majority.
SK needs to kill mafia or they lose. Or at least get them down to one member.

Just so witch cannot get majority earlier with mafia than they do with SK.

Replace Cheese, Squid and Sulit to fit the citizen claims who will you pick?

So yes, I do think getting mafia down to 1-2 members is a priority for SK, so his kills wereā€¦ good?

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Thatā€™s other thing.

They did shorten the PoE, tho you are most likely dead tonight anyway.

Make sense.

You REALLY believe SK killed Wazza on a scumread?

X to doubt


Yeah, thatā€™s also why his kills are smartish.

all of this is pointless discussion though

This part I will agree with.

The other? No. If the intent was to kill Mafia, there was far likelier candidates than Wazza.

Yeah, thatā€™s bad.

You kill 3 town, mafia would kill 3 town.
At this point you would pretty much lose, due to witch siding with 4 mafia (who would be alive since you didnā€™t kill them as our sk did in this scenario)

So zero points for that answer.

Also cause you gave scenario which is illogical AND opposite to what just happened.
Like you wanted to distance from the situation.

In shortā€¦ ā€œI wouldnā€™t do it guysā€



It was a great kill for them tho.

Like if they killed 0 scumā€¦ scenario which jmw said about who would they kill as skā€¦ pretty much guarantees a lose for SK.
What happens rn is good for them tho.

Iā€™m saying that as proven non-sk.

I would consider going for Wazza kill, leaving mafia to do job with town PRs.
Maybe except cheese, who can be both frame tool as well as consort.

This kills are smart, not sure if on accident or not, but definetly positive for SK.

Maybe so. SK does need to limit mafia, but at the point of time it was 2 mafia, 1 witch, and 11 other town. You still need the mafia alive for kills, and 2 mafia at this point in time isnā€™t a threat.

Iā€™m still giving 0 town points for jmw for ā€œI wouldnā€™t do it guysā€ and proceeding to give game losing scenario for SK as example what they would do.

Great so this proves jmw isnā€™t SK?

You still have one big issue, unless thereā€™s place for six citizen, only five will fit in.

What, how did me hiving them 0 town points indicate of them not being sk