ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

On sidenote, this discussion convinced me that jmw is scum. And still most likely witch.


“I don’t care what you meant” - this never comes from town.
This is kinda base of scumhunting. Understanding other person goals, what they try to achieve.

Jmw said straightforward - he doesn’t care about it.

He cares about pushing me, but not why he is pushing me.
This is witch play tbh. Gathering attention, pushing a misslynch ect. ect.

They know I can’t be sk/mafia, so that’s easy move for them.

That’s also why in reality this should be ignored.
Witch is not worth it rn.

Let’s return to the SK topic.

Its very important. You find the Witch, you find SK. At the very least, you find out who isn’t SK.

Witch doesn’t know SK yet, prove me wrong.

Okay, now I started to use logical fallacies, aaaaaaaaa.

But yeah, witch has no way of knowing who is SK, unless they figured out from the game.

speaking on this did cheese out who he rbed as that limits mafia and sk

Me, Arete, Sulit.

im guessing Suilit was another witch. Well that dont help poe

He tried to block possessed apparently but got witched

yeah but even that bit even though it would have helped poe if he got through, doesnt help us now. Did Sulit confirm the rb by chance?

Sulit targeted Arete last night, you can figure it out.

ok so as I thought yesterday our prs seem solely fine, so yeah back to the cit pool for poe

so many things to do today but i’m here

@PoisonedSquid, @Anjic89, @clonedcheese please vote so we can properly analyse wagons

Why in your right mind would you vote yourself?

because it’s evident i’m not talking you out of this
at least when i flip town i get to laugh

thats playing antiwincon if ur town, aka throwing


pressuring people into voting will result in scum self consciously voting someone they wouldn’t had voted normally to avoid looking scummy

two of the people are kinda like confirmed and the other is barely here i think im fine with getting these votes on the board

If you’re town, wouldn’t this count as gamethrowing and seen as not Towny because it pertains to AtE and scum have done it before?

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