ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Well my sk poe is like 3. Ur just the most likeliest based on my current feelings
my witch poe is like 1 being eevee
and the maf poe is like italy as main, anji, frost, you
Like POE is small af right now

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do u think those emojis mean much?

No I wonā€™t, you got yourself in the mess because you voted with Wazza.

If you think youā€™re free from consequences, youā€™re very wrong.


Donā€™t worry, sheā€™s not self-aware of how she looks.


I thought it was funny

Yeah Im saying you might need to look at the other two you are considering

Whatever the case, I am confident of Italy flipping not green.

Can you point me to a post or something
I need all the help I can get to read him and Isaac

Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not talking much. Internetā€™s wonky because of the snowstorm going on


Have one here too, stay warm

No, Im saying that whole goal was something different than what you show it to be by picking 2 words out of 10 posts.

And fact that you omit all the context makes you misinterpret everything.

You also fervently deny to read stuff on context.


Hi! Who do you think is SK and mafia? :smiley:

Thatā€™s not scummy action either.

Itā€™s a fact.

Facts are facts, goal behind them matter, not something happening.

Likeā€¦ everyone on this forum will tell you thats something I repeat. You should analyse why, not what.

And you are fervently stuck on what part and deny to read context to understand why.

Okay, show me one logical fallacy I used.
With quote.


I think I will read some Italy ISO in my spare time.

This is actually answer to something taken out of context again. Meh.

I said to analyze the whole thing, you said you analyzed one post, while quoting it with missing ā€œwhole thingā€ part and answer about a post.

Thatā€™s beyond stupid at this point.

@eevee-sama just fyi Iā€™m not reading any replies to that post
and you should put all the replies together with a spoiler tag so people donā€™t have to scroll through all of it.

You quoted 2 words

Thats hardly enough for people to read all of that.