ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


Everyone pulls that LHF card who becomes the wagon, I donā€™t like that.

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They establish that meta and sit on it as both alignments so you canā€™t ever read them.

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Simple solution: ignore the meta. Read them on their play only to force them to change it.
Case 1: me. Havenā€™t played with the guy, play seems scummy. No meta defense for him.
I fully intend on voting him but I think weā€™re at 4/6 so Iā€™ll wait

Its justā€¦he does this as town too.

Arete had a mechanical check but was likely pranked anyway that night and apparently roleblocked so any check is null there.

I just.

I donā€™t know.

My vote is between you, Isaac and Dat.

With roleblock like that you didnā€™t need to prank to tailor check on Mafia, so I doubt Cheese is Mafia in that scenario

time to break the awkward silence

Thatā€™s the thing.

Cheese said he RBed but forgot to put in the action, but then was witched on Arete.

Thereā€™s many conclusions you could draw. Was Cheese told not to RB at the last minute by prankster?

Why is everyone voting themselves when they get pushed on?! It makes the game much more irritating to go through


Why are you quiet

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Well, cā€™mon. Break the silence

Because it went silent again immediately after

Yeah and donā€™t expect you get free pass, I might go back for you.

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Iā€™d be down for a Dat lynch
either scum killing role down is fine with me

Datā€™s been actually trying compared to Jake. I donā€™t remember what he does as scum, but Iā€™m not sure if Datā€™s the right lynch here

/vote eevee

Honest answer - to look like they have nothing to lose.

AtE kinda.

Likeā€¦ scum at this point loses when lynched.
1 mafia, 1 sk.

They want to show itā€™s not them by selfvoting.


One of the people who voted themselves is scum. Change my mind