ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

brb gotta take a physics test

pulls out second gun
Iā€™ve got a second gun from the war!

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I donā€™t play it either, but I love the style

Can you at least narrow down what your gut reacts to or is it another day of ā€œno u eevee scumā€ without anyone able to point out what they dislike exactly?

Cause yesterday it was pretty much same for ā€œno, eevee witch, lolā€.

After the 'nam, Squid is never the same person we know


Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
DatBird Frostwolf103, eevee 2/5
clonedcheese jmwjmw27 1/5
jmwjmw27 clonedcheese 1/5
eevee DatBird 1/5
Currently abstaining players Possessed, PoisonedSquid, Isaac_Gonzalez 3

Youā€™re whatever can get lynched in Dats narrative, pal.

I mean, I want to listen to his case, maybe it will change my view on him.

But if itā€™s ā€œjust gutā€ā€¦ I doubt it will change my view.
So he pretty much has to do something to explain it anyway.

In basic terms: If you breathe, youā€™re scum

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Yeah, weā€™re at 8. ā€œGut readsā€ arenā€™t a possibility anymore.

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Or how about we wait for them to actually explain instead of making jokes and trying to become biased on theirs first statement.

That works too.

Even I have reads with an explanation behind them. Thatā€™s saying something

How dare you remove my right to joke

I mean, my bodyā€™s giving me the middle finger, so I donā€™t mind waiting

Your body is giving you a finger?


That soundsā€¦ lewd.


Squid, why.


The fuck?

Well one yesterday I was between you and Italy for witch, I knew Italy was evil based on how his reaction day 4 was so I slotted him as mafia. That left SK and Witch. At the time I felt you only fit in Witch as SK would be impossible as Cloned would be dead. So that slots you into witch. Now that witch is dead, I slot you into mafia again as you still cant be SK, and I feel like you have the power to deepwolf and push Katze. While doing 1 of the four options. One being no kill and getting away with it. Thats something I wouldnt expect from a newer to mid level play so I would cut almost the rest of the game except you, squid, and possessed. Squid is vig with no contests so it prob aint her. Possessed is my strongest town read other than Isaac. Isaac on the other hand is like the only other person capable of no kill cause he would be the one to not submit it. POE is u and Isaac at that point if we go by no kill analysis. If we go by the fact you attacked SK well then you would prob be pushing them. Well u voted two different people today, so I wouldnt expect this option. The next option is Sulit healed your target. Could be why you wanted Cloned out at first. And the final option is that its JMW cause he was blocked.

Keep in mind these four rules when you consider why mafia didnt kill people

Mafia poe is Eevee, JMW, Isaac. I trust the other two more than you

I read the conclusion and itā€™s already weirdā€¦



Hope post explains it.

You do know Consort exists, right?