ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]





Screw it

Lead next 3 lynches or sth.
You are confirmed town, you can unify this lazyā€¦ uhmā€¦ people?

Yes, I think they are people. Hmm. Okay

Anyway, you are doing nothing.
Game is not progressing.

If you want to be lazy, we may as well just let one town member lead at this point.
And I still donā€™t want to do it myself, since we got confirmed town, so no need to assume leadership role.
Also it would require effort

Letā€™s get this game rolling

Iā€™m not good at leading. I already have enough social anxiety to deal with :^)

We wonā€™t crucify you if youā€™re wrong? Somebodyā€™s gotta do it and nobody is confirmed. This has been a confusing game.

Iā€™ve been wrong most of the time. I mean, I know Iā€™ve had suspicions on Frost and Dat before, but Iā€™m afraid of being wrong again. I know for sure that Jimmy, Cheese, and Trifecta shouldnā€™t be lynched, but I donā€™t know how to choose between the two

Coin flip.

Unless you suspect coin is scum, then you can just always vote opposite to what it shows.

I donā€™t trust RNG, Eevee

Then just pick the opposite to what coin shows.

Just donā€™t let them know it before a toss, or they might try to double play you.
Donā€™t give coin a reason to wifom.

Iā€™m 70/30 Dat/Frost lynch right now. I think thereā€™s a good chance the other pops, I just think after I got over the initial weird vibes feeling on Frost, I had him as a top tierish townie.

I wouldnā€™t call Frost top tier townie, but Frost has been doing less questionable stuff recently

Heā€™s been looking out for himself for sure, which is where the 30% comes in. It also scares me because thereā€™s ABSOLUTELY no reason Wazza was the kill over me or jmw. Who does that come from, Dat or Frost?

Iā€™ve been pushing Frost most of the game and defending Dat. Last time Frost was solo scum, I was his first kill because he thought I was gonna tunnel him the next day (I was, but still). Does me being alive mean SK thought I didnā€™t suspect them?

Sucks even worse because if it IS Dat, I saved them from lynch D2. I convinced Jake to not leave the vote to chance, and he nailed the coffin on Bepwei.

Frost has been pocket-y to me, though. He never took the opportunity to push me. Did he do that because he knew Iā€™d drop my guard on him?

Jake didnā€™t have any personal opinions on Bepwei at all, did he?

I didnā€™t took my opportunity to push Arete either the first two days he voted me for calling Eevee a Witch, why?

I told him the reason why I called it such way

I donā€™t believe so. However, I did tell him I wouldnā€™t hold it against him for his self-preservation vote. It was like less than an hour until EoD and it was him or Bepwei.

I wouldnā€™t be this blind for all the shiny towncreds Wazza is holding, the same for Italy for his voting pattern on Cloned D3 I would try to distance him away from the fact he is voting Cloned on purpose and not just ā€œagreeingā€

Yeah I feel pretty confident in this Dat vote. I also felt pretty confident in my previous jmw vote so wtf do I know. :man_shrugging:

Like I said I donā€™t believe in votes that has no reason behind the purpose, without purpose, itā€™s meaningless