ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I’m just as confused about it as you man

oh its this type of game
where the vets can do whatever they want and still get townread for it because people are used to it

Sorry, but what is RT?

Random Town.


they could be the TI and you could be the RT :man_shrugging:

Why does that matter? A claim is a claim and it’s not the best play to lynch our sheriff claim D1.

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T!arete dosent claim sheriff their

Why not?

Their not that dumb

that’s a lot better of an argument than “he’s claiming RT”
If I recall, you said a T!Arete doesn’t crack at someone telling him he’s L-2, is there any game of his in the past I can read that supports this meta

You missed my point.

I was asking how is that claim any positive?

If there was one TI, sure, they are confirmed.
However they are not.
So why do you give them points for claiming cop randomly during day 1, with witch, possible consort, pranksters ect. ect.

Basicly for Arete to be useful rn tp has to be Marshal or I have to be lookout.

Arete just isn’t the type of player to just belive their at L-2 because someone said it. Even then I doubt they would claim like that.

so Eevee’s outed two town power roles thus far?

wouldn’t be surprised if that was his intent by getting him to L-1

Pretty sure arete was never at L-1

no But Eevee did say that


What’s more they did stupidity and claimed exact role rather than category.
Scum rn has to wifom if I’m lookout or not when targeting Arete…

Arete just claimed straightforward theirs role, which means they can even be pranked with fake result and don’t count into wifom about targeting other players.

Arete’s claim is not thought trough. Is stupid and bad.
And should not give any credit for it happening.