ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]


This is your “push”?

He hardpushed on Cheese during the day the Universal wagon formed. Do you really think Wazza would try to form a counterwagon on another scum?

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This is so scummm
this is a poor misrepresentation. Anyone can look at Wazza ISO and see more pushing than that


Eevee do you really think we are too dumb/lazy to read

By trying to roleblock alerting vet, he commit suicide.

If it was a lynch planned today other than Cheese which may not happen, mafia have the opportunity to kill another townie, making we lose 3 town in one night, 4 players means MyLo that we had to lynch the mafia.

That is why is Eevee being self aware for not lynching.

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That looks like a half assed read if I’ve ever seen one.

I mean, I can be too lazy to read at times tbh, but not this time

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So I don’t know why you haven’t told us why exactly no-lynch should be applied.

There is actually… not.

Search “@Wazza Cloned”

All the posts are… empty about it.

He says more like “No u consort” and not much else.

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Italy basically agreed with Wazza as well, but both of them doesn’t townread each other.

That’s pretty much nearlly all interactions search functions shows me.

Oh wait, maybe cause I search for full “clonedcheese”, lemme check cloned alone.

So why would I try to lynch Italy next day from this interaction? My read is on point

Wazza kept on making the argument that Cheese had to be Consort no matter what. Why are you skipping over that fact?!


We can’t even ISO properly because we post so much we can’t read replies that other players made below Cheese’s posts.

@eevee-sama I’d say we lynch someone and we have cheese roleblock who he suspects as mafia.

Your lie with retracting TI claim and then accidentally expose your plan make me want to trust you sufficiently less.

Because you deny you are doing reactiontests, I am simple man, I am not happy about you.

I’m not skiping nor ignoring you Squid.

You asked me question which requiers reading. So I need to… you know, read to answer it.

You want cheese to lynch? Then do it.

Yeah, that’s pretty much my plan from yesterday.
We can give Cheese one more night easily.

If he is not scum… scum might just not kill, giving us more lynches.

He is freaking scummy, but mechanicly it’s just wrong to kill him rn.

Cheese will never be able to confirm himself or catch scum for sure though

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