ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Oh, this too. Good angle! I actually forgot about this one, but it does give you a pretty decent push on me.

@PoisonedSquid Well, I got the info I needed. I thought Trifecta was going to be the one to push that narrative but it was Jmw, so the lynch today is now officially:

Jmw v Possessed

Lets get it on!

I wasnā€™t pushing you.
Iā€™m in this situation now where I know that one of my two strong townreads, is actually scum. So Iā€™m doing everything I can to figure out who.

what? Thatā€™s a defense of you if anything

Okay then.
You probably could have mislynched me without a thunderdome. But sure, letā€™s see how this goes

Thereā€™s no reason for me to be alive and Frostwolf to be dead, plain and simple. When I saw that, I immediately realized that the angle last Mafia was going to take was on me. After all, I DID say Iā€™d have killed Frostwolf if I was Mafia.

Then I considered the angle theyā€™d go for: The vote on ClonedCheese when I pushed Universal. Reality is at that point I considered them both Mafia so tying it up could give valuable vote analysis on the flips. However, I knew this would be the information used to incriminate me and I was waiting on either you or Trifecta to bring it up. After all, with Frost dyingā€¦I KNEW the push was going to be on me.

You might have actually been able to convince me to lynch Frostwolf over you, even though I had a good idea you were last Mafia after ClonedCheese flip. It was a curious play but I can see why you did it: The Universal no-vote angle.

Very impressed, by the way.

I had this idea that you were SK the whole time, but sure enough you were last Mafia. And everyone lynched Witch over you :frowning:

So in order for me to be Mafia, Iā€™d have had to hit Cloned the night Sulit died (when Cloned was a top mafia candidate) or Datbird, who I pushed and voted the next day as SK or just no-killed. Now, does Mafia push SK that early after knowing who they are? Does Mafia no-kill willingly that night? This was the same night you were roleblocked.

Thereā€™s a chance jmw couldā€™ve predicted Cloned not using RB on Squid and no-killed to incriminate them
Although this argument could also be used on Possessed, him never having been RB would make the first no kill an interesting decision

I mean, this applies to anyone. Someone predicted that Cheese wouldnā€™t target anyoneā€¦I guess going with Eevees plan to push Cloned into final 3 so nightkills donā€™t happen. That plan would have gave us another Lynch but honestlyā€¦Cheese no-actioning was so shady that I felt confident in his flip.

How many no kills in a row from Mafia were there?

According to graveyard, N3-N4-N5-N6. 4 nights without Mafia kills.

Why would I kill the one person I had as scum then try to push my townread
versus killing say, you

and you think I am capable of that?
Flattered, but if I was scum someone else would be dead here

Arete died n3


The kill originally made me consider that it was Trifecta, and I was fully expecting Trifecta to pull the Universal vote card. Alas, it was you. You left me alive with the plan to incriminate me with Frost death and then work the angle that I was scum.

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Youā€™re right; N4-N5-N6.

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You flat out stated Frost was the best kill option for Scum!You. I wouldnā€™t kill frost then try to push that right after you say that.

If I was scum Frost would be my best option for a mislynch. No need to fake a turnaround on someone else. From a scum POV this kill doesnā€™t make sense

Was Trifecta even around then?
Itā€™s basically impossible for him to use that argument without having read pretty much all of that day

I was not

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