ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

We had confidence before?


I did :frowning:

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Where was it- halfway into the game we decided reads were useless lol

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Youā€™re call though, Squid. If we no-Lynch, Iā€™d like to do this soon then so SoD isnā€™t late at night.

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Are you EST?

Yup, EST. And I like playing these hours bc I play at work.

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I agree
NL soon if thatā€™s the plan.

ā€¦ā€¦ Hmmmm.

I really want to get this over with, butā€¦ hngghh

I hate being in this positionā€¦ again


Letā€™s take a vote: I vote in favor of ending it today.


At least youā€™re 100% safe here.
Up to you, but I donā€™t think a NL does much here

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It takes out one more person in the PoE, and yeah, Iā€™ll be safe no matter what. Iā€™ll make sure of it

Iā€™ve got class for the next 50 minutes, feel free to slam NL while Iā€™m gone if squid decides

if not, see you later

How confident are you in Trifecta being town?


Is that enough to give Trifecta a pass?

I believe so. I doubt heā€™d be able to lie hard enough to make it this far

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Iā€™m at about 97%, and thatā€™s enough for me.

He, Squid
God, Iā€™m tired

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@jmwjmw27 When will you be available? I want to make sure youā€™ll be able to vote here if we arenā€™t no-lynching.

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@PoisonedSquid Read through all of this carefully because your vote is going to be the most important one cast either today or tomorrow.