ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I never see a law as unjust.
Sometimes a rule feels wrong, and then I try to go by intent and try to get the rule changed or clarified

I’m politically active and I think lots of laws are unjust and need change

But I think we’re getting into illegal territory

i still think im lg tho

I was politically active and Ive seen a lot of Laws I didnt like. But none of them was unjust.

Fix net neutrality

now we continue on like illegal political talk never happened


I see you as LN with Good tendencies

yeah, i guess im on the border between LN and LG at times

Tbh for me personally does the G-E axis not matter. Im extreme lawful, and that such extreme that it overshadows the other axis a bit


what alignment am i

True neutral IMO

what am I I’m curious now

What am I? :thinking:

Neut good

This is a personality test thread now

U I can’t place

I’m not sure on law-chaos but I think ur neut leaning good

I don’t even know my own alignment

True neutral

How so?