ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

imagine being a rip-off murder hobo version of the joker

i dont know what that means but ill stab you

you see

rip off murder hobo of the joker


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I got tied between chaotic neutral and neutral evil

fuck authority

im very close to true neutral and chaotic evil :eyes:

probly why i got what i got lul


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thats what i said lmao

i chose 4 cuz loltexas

our security is the fact that if you rob someone you get shot


down with the system

I think the test might be broken

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I swear it was way shorter than I remember it

Last time I took it I think I got chaotic good so not very reliable

i don’t see soolit anywhere on the law-chaos spectrum

but evil shocked me a little

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It changes depending on my mood


this was almost really satisfying

omh lul didn’t even notice that

also take it to the megathread boomer