ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

I progressed from lockwolf to lockwolf

I feel like u chainsawed me and then bussed arete.

/vote Marshal

Fuck it. Marshal is the sum of everything that I find scummy. No wagon will convince me that my vote is ill-placed

Aaaaand as soon as he’s called out for bussing stops it

Why game so ez

Marshal, tell me why my opening post was so scummy that it counted as defending arete.

‘‘‘Twas a classic chainsaw defense mlord

Because that’s when you called me lockscum defending arete.

Let me get the popcorn wolf theater time.


Well usually I wouldn’t preflip but arete’s first post revealed to me their alignment.

So I’m post flipping


I don’t, although I’m leaning that way

I just don’t think you declaring that we have to be TvS comes from town

Marshal: “Jake is just bussing!!!”
Jake: Moves vote onto the other person that they find scummy


spoilers: it does

Like, this post right here sounds more intelligent than your nonexistant arguments against me.

You say I’m defending arete. Quote exactly where this happened.

I already explained that it felt like u were chainsawing me

Marshal, you are scum because (and no I won’t quote any evidence) you screenshotted your scumchat and rolecard and posted it in the thread.

Now does that sound convincing to you?

It does.

I’m convinced

/vote marshal

Now let me eat my dinner

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You can have your dinner but you can’t eat it too