ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Like he knows Arete is town and doesn’t want to catch heat for voting them

And I said they’re likely not on the same team, for all I know Jake is a serial killer

Also, does 32 hours till EoD sound correct?

Just from one game with eevee (this one) he seems like the powerwolf type. Not sure I agree with your conclusion

We’re back at 5

There is Eevee’s vote and unvoted

Odd, four votes

The only persons unvoted that point is Sulit and Darth_tabor, other than himself. Also fives votes

That is interesting since he didn’t vote Arete, how could you not see it :eyes:

That are two people added in my PoE next day

I don’t know, you’re the first to unvote :wink:

Six votes

Seven votes thus L-3

Well no you’re wrong, but interesting choice of words when you said he’s in zero danger that point. @Marshal This is the answer you’re looking

Vote count is wrong but ok

Now it’s six votes, another person to keep in mind. JakeTheWolfie, Marshal and Bebwei for PoE lynch next day

@clonedcheese What readlist?

Oops never mind I think this is probably answered, then again it has been 20 hours.

Changing votes, not sure if this count

7 votes, back at L-3 however then again activity has dropped.


First Darth’s wagon vote

Eight votes, L-2 or I am losing track

[quote=“Arete, post:1481, topic:80168”]

Back to 7 votes

And unvoted

Changed vote to Katze, six

Oh, you’re actually aware of that? Amazing, doesn’t change the fact you’re in my PoE list tomorrow.

You did mention quoting active voters, that hasn’t been the case, however you did seem to have track of the votes despite Host’s vote count being incorrect.

Did I miss anything

Actually arete counted it earlier

What about that? It’s based on host’s vote count.

So what’s your view on things? Does wagonomics show that this is scum-motivated or not?

Personally, I’m not a fan of the speed of Arete’s wagon, but there’s some resistance too, so I don’t think it’s easy to tell at this point

I do believe that, I believe Darth is one such scum voter who have unvoted.

I also can’t decide if Jgoes or I did not count the votes correctly.

Secondly I have also determined the PoE for tomorrow, it’s not finished however for the time being that part is done.

This post is in order of just reading down the list so I might change my opinion by the end of the post

@Frostwolf103 you sounded like you knew who the mafia was, and that they were sleeping, but was unwilling to express it.

What does FoS mean

I think this is normal for d1 plays, from my experience CD people like to stay calm D1 because of no info, and hedge people a lot. Don’t quote me on this tho - I’ve only played so many games, some of them over half a year ago.

You, however, are pushing darth quite hard. If this was an actual ToS game I’d accuse of being an exe. Is your only reasoning “feels hedgy” and vibes?

Feels normal and “playing it safe”, although I think bep might be able to say more about darth’s meta.

Thank you. Exactly why Arete’s claim feels sketchy.

Please explain when you come back

Arete had a townread list of I think derp, bep, and squid

From my point of view Arete/Bepwei W/W would make sense

Finger of Suspicion


I noticed something about this comment and I’m trying to figure out if I’m picking up on something real

can you look at it and tell me what you think of it?

I have to pull the impossible to scumread anyone correctly D1.

Unwilling to express is correct is because I didn’t gamesolved yet, I am willing to put Darth_tabor as potential scum and should he flip Mafia as best case scenario, my PoE list will come in handy next day.

However that all of mafia are sleeping? Press X to doubt, if not all mafia at least either witch or SK is on wagon as well, but I haven’t forgotten what needs to be eliminated first.

@Marshal [quote=“JakeTheWolfie, post:1583, topic:80168, full:true”]
But I do notice something

@Marshal can you quote where I defended Arete? And do make absolutely clear that it was defending Arete.

Please do answer this.

This gives me the impression you know exactly who the scum is

/vote Darth_tabor


Diggity and Andrej are zero-posters so I don’t really have an opinion there

Anjic is basically null, I townread Possessed and I basically trust his ability to read his wife so I’m planning to just make him sort her, she’s done like one AI thing all game (voting Possessed)

Uni is townie null, his response to our collective reactiontest felt pretty pure

I thought sulit’s case on Darth was decent

eevee I don’t want to believe would be playing this badly as town, he’s a scumlean for me

and Marshal I’m not going to be able to read unbiasedly because he’s done literally nothing all game but deathtunnel me, I don’t want to believe he would be playing this badly as town either but some of it felt pretty genuine