ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

like what you did when you strawmanned Marshall? :eyes:

Why did jgoes decide that you were scum?

I donā€™t recognize the name
where did he call me scum

(Heā€™s the host)


i am very smart

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Thatā€™s an interesting reaction.

I donā€™t feel like scum!jmw wouldā€™ve responded that way with confusion.

That wasnā€™t meant to be a RT, but that was a townie response.

thanks I guess

how many hours of day? 24?

Like, 14.5

quik mathz

thereā€™s still 6 people not voting.
Iā€™d search this pile for scum

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chances are there would be >= 1 scum in the inactive pile

But thatā€™s just random guessing, letā€™s focus on visible scum

Like Arete

Are you

Are you blind sir

oh I donā€™t mean lynch in the pool
I mean with night actions. If we have a vig or hidden TI

Wazza, PoisonedSquid, darth_tabor, Diggity69, Andrej, Universal

Any other players that we should be looking into? Preferably not me?

Iā€™m probs gonna go for a Jake analysis and a katze analysis since their posts are pinging me the most rn and it wonā€™t be productive for me to go through Arete or sulitā€™s stuff rn

Reminder that they wonā€™t be my best because I donā€™t have that much time

Are you talking to me, madam?


Yes yes I am

I will not take off the vote since I am going to sleep and by the time I wake up, the day is over and night 1 starts.

So yeah, I can understand that reaction but thereā€™s no reason to panic, if you got lynched and flipped town somehow then at least info is gained as well.

Good sir you did not answer my question from earlier

Care to explain your vote?