ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Arete was no longer a viable lynch, and Marshal just… stopped.

Buddy I’m confusing myself here

Even mathematicly:

1 scum among 4 PR claims.
4 scum among 12 non-PRs.


1/4th with risk of lynching town PR
1/3rd with no risk of lynching roles.

Plus SK is most likely in second group, so to lower KPN 2nd group is way better choice.

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I would like SK gone asap
SK doesn’t want mafia dead this early. We got lucky and he will especially try to aim for town now.

Like…fuck math. Fuck tinfoil theories. Fuck everything but reading agenda.

Its there, black and white: Marshal wants a ML.

On the contrary. I will aim directly at you tonight. /s

witch help me
don’t let him stab me

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not sure if I believe the /s


Stab? Oh no. I don’t like sharp items. My psychiatrist said not to use sharp objects. That’s why I don’t have wits.

I said it early in the day, before I got dragged into discussion about Arete vs Marshal…
I don’t see a lynch here.

Now I will repeat.
I don’t see a lynch here.

When PR claims start dying, and they will… we can narrow this 1 ballsy scum who claimed PR.
For now we can just root out others.

Ill be back in the morning. Not sure if this is going on EoD, but if anyone but Marshal is hung I’m holding Eevee personally responsible if we ML a townie instead.

Put your glasses on because you are blind AF

You fucked me up in Candlelight; you won’t get me again fam. The lynch is Marshal.

I told you this is big tinfoil and we shouldn’t follow it :^)

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I swear if Marshal’s asleep right now >:(

Marshal is at L-3 right now

Or L-2

I still liked the tinfoil, even if it was tinfoily.

It was damn appealing, ngl.

Eevee, why would a town member put themselves in a thunderdome with another townie, and after they’ve had our time as their 3-course meal, suddenly say “It’s just a prank brooooo I’m actually Medium”

If Marshal flips Prankster, I swear to god

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or L-1

I don’t think so