ToS Mafia - Day 8 - (3/19) [Town wins!]

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese Wazza, Italy 2/8
eevee clonedcheese 1/8
Frostwolf103 DatBird, PoisonedSquid 2/8
Possessed eevee 1/8
Universal jmwjmw27, Arete, Possessed, Isaac_Gonzalez 4/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Frostwolf103 1/8
Italy sulit 1/8
Wazza Universal 1/8
Currently abstaining players Anjic89 1

Send Kat with cat pictures, he won’t survive overnight from cuteness I mean what.

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how good is Kat at this game, dont know them

i don’t think i’ve ever seen kat play scum

he won town the game in mountainous

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I do…recall, he’s good in deception. He reminds me of Alice when I first played with her.

guess that spew read is out the window then

Alright, sorry for taking a bit of time I was checking a few things

Specifically Isaac and Possessed’s recent messages

On me? Katze got killed by SK then how do I fit in as group scum?

the Katze RT on Uni


we could check katze’s scumreads to see if SK was afraid of being scumread

He doesn’t seem to have made enemies and gets townread by anyone except Eevee.

Who voted Katze.

It appears that jmw and Isaac both voted on me just to raise pressure.
Jmw specifically seemed to do it immediately after he was being pushed on the topic of me being townread by everyone. This makes him be suspicious.
Isaac did it as an RT
Arete is confirmed mechanically as a TI
Possessed just appears to be frustrated with the game state. Though I do have to add that I haven’t seen this type if behavior with him. I don’t recall a game I have played where he flipped mafia but this is very unusual. For him its null. He appears to be enraged but at the same time looks to be trying to push away suspicions on him Eevee looks to have made from the vote count

I have an exam to take see you all on the flip side

There’s never a world where a 0 poster is going to do anything with s single vote, though.

To people that apparently was enough because back in the last game I played, people kept on pressuring me to vote someone even if it did nothing. I found that weird. Why pressure a vote from someone in the moment when it will most likely not change anything?

If everyone votes then VCA works better