ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

Arete realizing that they have to remember to eat now that they don’t just magically have an assigned half-hour for lunch (2018, colorized)

kat realizing that they are friends with almost exclusively people younger than themselves

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before I forget, since you were asking earlier about things you can keep in mind for next time:

one of the specific scummy things that I noticed while I was reading your Iso but didn’t point out because I am a nerd is that almost all of your content posts were what’s caused “information instead of analysis”

basically you were commenting a lot on what was happening but hardly at all on what it meant

it’s a fairly common tactic among scum because it doesn’t really leave associations and it’s a lot easier to fake factual commentary than to fake actual reads

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I hope you know that I’m never letting you live down ‘that time you hardclaimed an incorrect redcheck and almost got two town PRs lynched for it’


but you’re never going to let me live down that time I was masons with Rem and Eric, so we’re even

ok worlds worst mason

u r bad at real and fake mason

but i guess im bad at real mason and good at fake mason

:eyes: what’d arete do

oh we were masons in a game

and we kinda sucked


Marshal: I desperately wish to mislynch this townie

arete: nah this one instead

marshal: K

I was in a neighborhood with Rem (sulit) and Eric (from another site)

I thought both of them were town

I claimed Masons with the two of them

it turns out that in fact that was not quite correct

tbh we weren’t awful

we had a towncore of 4.

but our scumreads of the other 5 were fairly off

our reads that game were honestly fine

I think that in worlds where they don’t mislynch our towncore that’s usually a town win :angry:

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yeah had i not replaced out i woulda defended rem

or if geyde had just… woken up and voted ruu

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half of why we voted Transience was to save Zone, who was obvtown

tru tru

yeah i guess we weren’t awful

we did okay in the “finding-town-and-building-towncore” aspect of the game


honestly townhunting is OP (plz nerf)

it’s how I caught Uni this game and it could have gotten the SK if I’d had more confidence in myself

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I want it noted for the record that these were all right

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I totally didn’t then proceed to put literally the entire wolf team in my towncore


Reee forgot to change category.

Post 1481 is a pretty good meme :^)

> makes PoE

only 1/3 of scum are in this PoE of about half the game