ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

I like the one with arms coming out of his head

yeah me too

ā€œronnyā€ is a close second

with farting eevee at third

the agent got a ā€œItaly visitedā€ feedback the night before you died

so he knew you were witch/sk and seemed confident you werent sk

Also, this isnā€™t for game-related reasons but has anyone seen Isaac outside of the forums?

Something that happened on discord earlier ticked me off and it didnā€™t seem in character for him

And heā€™s been inactive here so my detective sense is tingling

Would ask in the cookie thread but this is an ongoing game and while my concerns donā€™t relate to the game thereā€™s obvious issues with this

@Wazza @Jane I feel like you two are the most likely to have an answer

I have no idea what youā€™re talking about.

iā€™d ask if he was submitting actions but heā€™s a citizen

i guess ill just wait for wazza to show up

I am so curious now

Man I am nervous today


So I am apart of a program for Amazon and the bank of New York. They assigned me into a group to lead to make a stock market tracker

They want graphs, rates, news, etc

oo fancy

But my group is busy with other things all the time. One of them just doesnā€™t want to be there anymore. I am planning to drop that person if they donā€™t put in the work anymore

That sucks, rip

It doesnā€™t help our laptops kept on getting blocked by the schoolā€™s network making working on the project that much harder

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So I spent last night trying to make the stock market tracker, the articles page, the support page, the about page

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And I am nervous that it wonā€™t be enough to make up for lost time. And I feel so bad because the people at Amazon wanted me on this specific project and sought me out. If I fail at this stage I am gonna freak out :frowning:

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Aaa that sounds terrible ):

And it sucks that youā€™re pulling most of the weight.

I bet youā€™ll catch up though, how much time do you have left?

Today is the mid-semester presentations

We only have around 13 weeks to finish the entire project