ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

yeah, but they’re not active on forums and i don’t know where to find them outside of the forums :eyes:

I passed it :smiley:


Town: ‘Jmw is locktown for voting Uni over Cheese’

also Town: ‘but Wazza spending two days deathtunnelling Cheese was probably bussing’

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…How did they figure out I was scum?

by being right for the wrong reasons


The paranoia is real

why are people reading into me asking for cat pictures the day after my cat got put down

i just like cats and i was sad so i wanted more cats

“this is buddying” reeeee

note to self in future: ask for cat pictures more often i need this to become NAI




currently looks like Dat’s going to get lynched today, which puts us at 1v6 going into night

option 1: Cheese blocks Jmw again
1v6 going into day

town can either be smart and lynch Jmw here or be less smart and lynch Cheese
if they lynch Jmw we obviously win

if they lynch Cheese then it’s 1v5 going into night ->1v4 at the next day->1v3 going into night->1v2 the next day, meaning that town has 2 lynches to try to hit the 1 scum in 5 possible people (1 of whom has compelling mech evidence against them) (I’m excluding Squid from possible people)

also there’s some possibility of Squid killing Jmw because lolVeteran

option 2: Cheese blocks a not Jmw person and the nightkill targets someone who is neither Cheese nor the not-Jmw person
This is 1v5
3 conftown: Cheese, Squid, blocked person
and Jmw and 2 not confirmed people
this is auto, since Cheese gets another clear overnight even if he dies

I’m lazy so I’m not working out the other possible scenarios but I think it makes sense for Cheese to target town tonight

that cat is currently trying their hardest to make it as hard as possible for me to game

Many people think this slot is maf

I have noticed yes

but why?

The ironic thing is that if he’d just hit a townie he’d be locktown now

Because he roleblocked someone and there was no kill

which obviously indicates a Consort struggling to keep up their claim

but I protected them

imagine listening to the reads of dead villagers lol


everyone knows that Mafia kill people who are wrong about everything and bad at the game so that the town actually has a chance

kind of justified when one of the dead villagers had a PoE of 8 containing only town.

that wasn’t true at the point when said villager switched from being a living villager to a dead one