ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

Lets drive escort claim to commit suicide


And to make it all better, lets claim TI one more time

Issue or not, what you did is unnecessary

You canā€™t come and say ā€œhe had three chances since Italy got witch-trialedā€ as justification.

That plan is absurd to be honest, despite no kills at all.

Say the word whenever, I am feeling better with no Eevee around for change I may have indirectly made him insane.

the idea is stupid as hell.

You expect that Eeveeā€™a plan will work?

All that posts are from you.

You didnā€™t follow my plan and you blamed me for being stupid and crazy.

Now you explain it that Cheese plaied incorrectly?
For all I care, you blamed me for failing something which was going perfectly according to plan, while also calling me names.


Thank you for revealing that Iā€™m an idiot in your eyes, my plans are worth nothing, shouldnā€™t be considered and best just blame everything on me.

Thatā€™s what you just did this game.

You shouldnā€™t have claimed TI where we are considering to trust Cheese.


What is the point of this

Now enjoy wasting 2 lynches and being in MyLo, just becouse you didnā€™t like Cheese.

I claimed Ti day 1 and backed out dayā€¦ 3.


Frost, it was day 6 yesterday. Thatā€™s not even remotly good explanation for what you did

What did you even hope to gain from that?

We wasted days

All im saying is yall lynched eevee and then cheese, pretty cringe


Frost, let me ask something.

How many scum fakeclaimed PR?

imagine actually doing spew analysis on any of the dead wolves




Cause it was already overcrowded there.


if i lived D2, i was hoping to do a PR FPS :sob:

imagine killing 2 mafia as sk, to help town, and town throwing it away


I mean to be fair I doubt Jake was trying to help town with the kat kill

Why else?

Cause Arete claimed theirs exact role day 1, so did Solic.
Solic claiming doc actually eliminated possibility of marshal to protect Arete from being witched/blocked.

Someone had to set up wifom defenses.