ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

people are still gonna hyperpost

maybe even cram it more

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We donā€™t

Iā€™m suggesting a change

Oh ok sorry

You donā€™t have to apologize

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I still feel bad for assuming

like i see how hyperposting hurts newbies

its never been an issue for me and anything i suggest would kinda make me less enjoymenting cuz i like hyperposting

what if we had a light queue like MU


alternatively ā€˜we are all responsible teenagers and young adults who are capable of making the choices that are right for usā€™

that is also a policy I can accept

light games have a post cap and simple setup

newbie freindly

all can still enjoy

I call bs

None of us know how to take care of ourselves lmao

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I propose the policy that Marshal be in every light queue

ā€œResponsible teenagers and young adultsā€

Which one do you qualify me in?

i can see where marshalā€™s coming from
if you force breaks, then people are going to talk even faster so that they can get everything out of the way before the break

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Youā€™re a young adult

both my parents are older than you therefore you are young

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extending nights by around 12 hours is a way to give people longer breaks without them going ham on their keyboard trying to make sure they cover everything before the day ends

Maybe breaks but small and during the day cycle?

Yeah, we wouldnā€™t be wasting that much time posting and reading aboutā€¦ nothing tbh.
Like really, mafia games are posting about nothing.

99% of stuff said there will have no meaning after game ends or in real life after all.

same thing with watching TV for 8 hours

itā€™s entertainment

but we learn to become better liars

With a 12 hour change I can see how this can hinder the hosts. Imagine starting a game at 7 pm your time and the next turn you have to start it at 7 am


this but 4 PM

15p Mountainous was fun :upside_down_face:

que arete talking about how arete wakes up at 4 am every time in mountainous 15ā€™er