ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

@Marshal join us or I tell Luxy your secret way of reading him.

Guys in 1 hour I am gonna head out. So excitinggggg

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I think Marshal went to bed. The Recruiting will have to wait.

Ok. We just need to turn Luxy and Poison in to gain control of the Senate- er I mean modteam.

isnt luxy gone

Maybe we should continue this in the cookie thread.

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I will bring Luxy back. Soon we will gain majority in the Senate and activate the emergency powers and North Pole 2.0 shall commence!

Hi Xblade
Pls give me mod-powers, I need to overthrow myself

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Alright guys cya! Wish me luck!


Good luck!

Arete already did and then broke it

Because arete is a hoe

Alright guys, we are about to begin the first rounds of debate. I am extremely nervous but excited. Oh man the amount of people here is insane


Good luck uni