ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

My Reddit username is from before I started going by Arete online


Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 7.46.47 PM

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Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 7.48.36 PM okay what in the living fuck

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Youā€™ll never find me Marshal

Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 8.05.40 PM

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Thatā€™s not meeee

I should join that tho

Sounds like my thing

5 people online man itā€™s popular

Iā€™m so happyyyy


I got chocolate today :smiley:


iā€™m gonna be sad if evils lose this

i did everything right, even the parts that i intentionally did wrong for towncred

Donā€™t worry Italy. I have faith in the evils pulling a win over town. The battleā€™s already won, we just gotta figure out the date and time :smiley:

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@Arete Litten has given me permission to drag you into a game of BGO. You are compelled to play.

no please dont dox me

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Cloned from your point of view literally the only way eevee can be evil is if he was Mafia and randomly nokilled, or else if he was Mafia and hit the SK

Yellow yellow. Good morning. Tried me best with the slot given

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