ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

Nothing on my end lmao

Bet he doesn’t send anything tonight and gets lynched for it

If he sends anything after like 2 hours I’m gonna be fucking asleep

Yea he really did put it off too late

I’ll set an alarm for before SoD tomorrow just in case, but I don’t think anything’s gonna happen with it

If he dosent send it before I go to bed I’m not responding

Maybe put a message in this chat an d ask jgoes to put it through if we are asleep

Yeah I don’t think he’s sending anything

Oh hey he died anyways

I published my message to send to you at 5:30 P.m. Est but jgoes didn’t send it until 1 A.M. @SirDerpsAlot

That’s bs you could have put it in your logs if Jgoes actually sent it

It’s irrelevant now. I died.

You could have put it in your logs

I never got a response so I don’t think it would have had any value.

I mean I was asleep

Like I said that’s fine

It’s just kind of annoying

But my message without your response would have been valueless.

Jgoes sent my message to you 7 1/2 hours after I posted it, and I posted it soon after I woke up. It would have been a pretty unfortunate sequence of events had I not died, but I did.

Lol also I was only gonna do like two of the things you asked me to ask abkut and say I was lazy. More believable that way tbh

Yeah but don’t you get the reply as soon as I send it