ToS Mafia - Dead Chat

My guess is fake claim for info, just like Isaac tried to do

If marshal is medium, he’s doing a hella risky play by claiming LO rn

what is happening with all these claims

i woke up to over 20 posts of my posts being quoted

please tell the medium i am unamused

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There we go, marshal claimed

For reference for whoever gets seanced tonight, this was my discord message to Arete lmao


Any suggestions for a forum I can go to when this falls through lmao

this is darth btw

With added note: Arete I swear if you say this wasn’t it

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I can’t dock a submarine before I run out of fuel because I’m garbage. Also I’m the captain too, because I found eevees dead body and stole their ID.

Something only Eevee would know ^

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Who’s gonna get linked

Hello bep. Whoever gets linked lmk I wanna know

look at those CD people rolling in lmao

Welcome Bepwei!

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No link on my end rn

Ok I literally had no clue who was scum this game

That’s an oof lmao

I’ve got my scum team sulit/Jake/katze + Possessed or Arete, but after reading D2 it’s pretty clear Derps is right with his Possessed/Arete team

Possessed tunneling me was the only thing that set me off, but after D1 I have been TRing arete.

How does medium interaction work?

One of us should get a message in our role card from the medium. By the end of the night you can send max 1 message back, but there’s no limit on length iirc.

With all of these meta checks we should probs coordinate some of the stuff we say to the medium as well

Yea I was almost willing to clear Arete, but the meandering at D1 EoD and lack of solid stances seems off for them

I’m too lazy to re read the whole thread with a arete possessed world but that should get through to the mediums death note should they be killed