Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Blizer I’m about to make a rash decision joining this stop me please

the ones after a certain point don’t count so that you can’t troll the game lol

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Just Take a deep Breath

Yeet a small object outside

and your good


I hope there will be at least 2 dreaming gods


Did it help?

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God no.

god yes

Just join and stop joining MU games :clap:


hey marl could you open fol 18 for me?

B-B-But Marl, that’s where you actually get good


Yes, and Hes afraid of that.

Hes afraid that people will be as good as him, or even better.

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No it’s not don’t be dumb
You get good by playing

That’s like saying you get good at games by watching streams which is also blatantly false

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Fik you, I’m in the final ten of the Smash Mash >:(

are you town or maf there

Wait since when Marl is good at playing Forum Mafia? :thonk:

Idk, he gets people to sheep him easily.

So, hes convincing.

It means Marl is charismatic but it doesn’t nessesary means it comes from their known skill. No offence Marl.

I don’t think I’m allowed to say, but I think you can tell from my vibes in the FoL Discord where I talk about it a few times