Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Town = Uninformed Majority
Mafia = Informed Minority
Neutrals = third parties

No Psycho. There is a Blue Dragon, Unseen and Cult. And others if they roll at all.

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By town, mafia or neutral I mean every possible uninformed majority, informed minority or third parties. It was supposed to help me write less but this entire argument made that useless :confused:

Imagine everyone rolling Court Wizard

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There is CW Hard-Counter so EZ.

23 barrier on marl

FYI, just leave it as any class hasn’t alignment is going to be Blue Dragon.

Join us, Insanitu òwó

thanks for using my real name bro.

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also screw it, /join if Ashe isn’t joining, if Ashe is joining then I return to the backup city


This is why you don’t tell anyone your real name

It was on my pfp on discord so everyone basically knows.

I didn’t

well I’m just an unseen king to you then

can we gonna finally get our classes

More people can join Isaac so nu


lol rip
don’t think I’ll join though since idk if my activity would be any good, even though it’s likely (almost certainly lol) to be a fiesta anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


join or I’ll eat your toenail clippings
