Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Yes, that is like SOOOOO deep.

I’m glad I can make fun of you as an actual 15 year old

I’ve said you sound like a squeaky 15 year old. On multiple occasions

@MaximusPrime sounds like a 15 year old

you sound like you’re hecking 29 pug

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You did, I thought you are 14 or 15.

Biggus Oofus

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Even bigger oofus


Alice probably sounds more manly than us tbh

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I probably still sounds like a 12 tho :^)

Haha Marl. I sound older than you and I’m 5 years younger than you hahahahahahaahahahahahahha

play this in background for best effect.

7 not 5


You’d sound like a :b: sian


Every one say that I look like a 11 or 10 despite that I AM FREAKING 14.

I will tolerate this injustice no longer, gamers rise up


That’s cause he is one.

we must all simultainously strike a dab of revolution
only then will the normies understand our plight

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then I will default dance on you.

the dab heard across the globe

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Wait, I thought Insanity was from Greece :thinking:

No taiwan lul

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