Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Coequal not being part of our blue dragon, our citizens deserve respect

And they deserve respect because?

Wherefore would not citizens deserve respect?

Why would they

Answer me first, knave.


The citizens did start a riot and obligat’d me to putteth on this vote.
/vote Hjasik

no u

A wagon on hjasik? Count me in /vote hjasik

1 Like

This is sad


Accused Voters Count
H_Hjasik Mercenary :crown: / Luxy / bazingaboy 4/12

/vote hjasik


Wouldn’t Merc’s vote count as two?


Play despacito

I didnt realise night started

1 Like

imma have to read up on thread first.

Bid me then if 't be true thee hold suspicion on anyone

OP has been updated and the placeholder with links.

/vote Hja

/vote Hja
