Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Did Isaac really remove his vote from hjasik after starting the wagon?

Change your votes to Isaac guys. He’s scum.

Where did you even get that idea? I get that he’s annoying but he hasn’t been particularly scummy.

/unvote Whoever we kill doesn’t matter to me, I can kill whoever I want tonight… let’s just say they wont pop up though shall we?

Let’s just say that I’m taking your soul tonight… but I am blue dragon.


Blue reaper

@Livicus has been modkilled! They were…


Anne Boleyn :speech_balloon:

Blue Dragon Social
Lady With Manners (Passive) - You have to speak in Ye Olde English or you will be modkilled. Your vote during King Election would count as 3. You cannot become King.
Quick Beheading (Passive) - If King Henry VIII would be lynched, you will commit suicide in next night.
Religious Prayor (Day) - Boost King’s ability, making them able to determine if King’s target is religious tonight. - 3 uses
Mind Your Tongue! (Night) - Choose player. They will gain “Royal Blood” passive but they would have to speak in Ye Olde English through entire game. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


And thus Merc is confirmed as their class.

RIP Livicus, someone heal Merc, and let’s move this wagon away from Hjasik cause I really believe they’re town.

/vote Isaac

Seems to me that it doesn’t matter to Isaac who he votes, judging by his voting pattern.

Livicus, dát vysílání omezení pro každou třídu svého typu, děkuji moc. Jsem psát takhle na své vlastní svobodné vůle

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…You got a version of that in English or would it break a post restriction?

Livicus, give posting restrictions to every class of your type, thank you very much. I’m typing like this on my own free will

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Wtf is that


Not to mention how ironic it is that someone who made an entire setup based around post restrictions would fall afoul of one themselves.



Accused Voters Count
H_Hjasik Bazingaboy / Geyde / Ragnaroek / Boopydoop / Margaret / Kai_5 6/12
Isaac_Gonzalez overthebin / BlueStorn 2/12
Boopydoop Pug 1/12
Rangnaroek PoisonedSquid 1/12
bazingaboy Insanity / Mercenary :crown: 3/12
Insanity Luxy / H_Hjasik / Isaac_Gonzales 3/12

/vote bazinga

Anne boleyn wherefore :frowning:

Post restrictions must be So painfull Good thing I dont have them

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I know I should feel bad that one of us is dead, but honestly it’s such a good example of poetic justice that I can’t help but feel happy.

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