Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Thee couldst eke beest a mistress with mann’rs, thee knoweth

Nestřílej messanger, můj pane

Translation: Don’t shoot the messanger, my lord

Omae wa mou shindeiru
I dont think you need a translation

Thee not bethink yond speaking as an fusty l’rd is bett’r?

Bylo mi řečeno, od bohů výše, aby člověk připomněl takové informace. Nemyslím si, že existuje jiný způsob, jak to říct

Translation: I was told from the gods above to remind the man of such information. I do not think there was any other way to say it

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Atleast my post restriction gives me 2 warnings,
Now don’t you start the harmings

Just over 23 hours remain in D2.

Why was livicus modkilled

Oh the passive got it

So Merc is basically confirmed, and she needed to be healed immediately or she get poisoned to death by Hjasik .-.

@Marcus_Doodalee time?

Nice IIoA

Hja’s ISO is starting to look way more town by meta standards, contrasting Warhammer in regards to pushing behavior.


/vote Baz as I read Insanity more as VI when taking Dustpan into account. Baz’s vote was just…bad.

Saw that pfp and thought you were Memesky for a second


I am Memesky in disguise.

Any way, I don’t see why Hjasik should be lynched today.

@bazingaboy @RagnaroekIV @Jazz @Ami

Mind elaborate on why did you vote him?

stop tagging me crackhead it’s clear you have an issue with me as a person and that’s fine but ur little superiority game is tiring and at the end of the day you still voted for me to win :sob: im laughing all the way to the metaphorical bank if u got an issue just keep it to urself



don’t tag me crackhead

Fine, then elaborate on why did you vote Hjasik?