Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Thee did get the w’rst class, mine own cousin.

You sonuva-

Is there a Rouxls Kaard class in Grand Ideas?

Nah. This is far too much of a coincidence.

We needeth to maketh one :^}
Th’re is a glitt’r fa’rie, though

Stop making that text

It’s a post restriction thing, I think?

I’m gonna have to check through the ideas thread.

Hjasik did get the s’rious playeth’r card as well

Merc name of your class

Hja th’re art only three classes yond has’t this posteth restriction.
All the three art align’d with the Blue Dragon.

My class card Says that My faction is dragon blue wtf

I am making fucking mac and cheese and nobody can stop me


I’m going to sorta softclaim here but I feel like my classcard might be a bastard class.

Mac and cheese hast to beest the evil conv’rt of duke rouxls kaard

What do you mean

Also imagine someone rolled My class

You know like the reverse classes and how people submit classes that look like others?

I’m going to pay attention to my night abils just in case my class is a lie.

There is basicly a dreaming god Whos wincondition is to make me win Lul

well. I fucking hate that class

And they have to side with me

I’d rather a hjasik loses wincon