Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

My restriction is cool
Blue knows about it so he needs a new pool

Court pizza?

Inb4 Celeste got a class that says it’s normal but is actually not

Im just going to cry silently

Please give me your posting restriction, senpai :3

I had to think about it but I’m 65% sure it isnt

Can only write 2 liners

Is’t one of the hardc’re daws?

Even worse

BD Who suicide N1?

Yall might like my class

But personally my class is bad for my playstyle

I can do more than that
Now lets pet a cat
I also want to cry
So goodbye

I liketh the restriction but t’s too easy to f’rget about t


Would I like that class?


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no you hate this class

So youre NK?


But yet so far


Thee can not dare mine own scribes, ma’am

cries in corner
I just want a wacky class, not this boring piece of trash