Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

They are not affected in first place

So you are the mythical chillizen?

Jesus Christ returns three days after death that’s ridiculous.

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Geyde, are you a butler
Or a conductor?

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But he returns confirmed

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However I just die

but seriously Merc, this isn’t even the og Ana class card


They are also overminds meaning they know everyones classes

I drink no wine.

I drive no trains.

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It’s sad that no one got the hard fool,
I am a tool

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Also no one solved My Riddle

You have a riddle?


I did remove all abilites relation’d to charges. As thee can see, t means yond hammond is just a renam’d citizen, moira is an one-shot mercenary and. Well, i didn’t wanteth to maketh two renam’d citizens as they art boring, so i putteth in a passive :slight_smile:


That box,
Was secretly a fox

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:frowning_face: sigh

Soon geyde,
May you be a guide

You do realize it doesn’t work like that, right?

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That box is 468 apples long