Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Are you?

Why are you lying even tho I know you rolled it?

And you know it too



Why don’t you answer my question

You dodged my question why?

I asked you the question first

You dodged it again
Why are you lying about not rolling scum?

I asked you first, im not answering any of your useless questions until you answer my question.

Why are YOU dodging it?

So you refuse to answer my question about on why you are lying That is a sign of scum since you are scum who doesn’t know how to answer it and look townie


Why did it take you so long to type that for one?

You’re the one dodging my question lol

Anyway thanks for revealing 100% you are scum

You are afraid to answer my question and you are dodging it rn

So I know you’re scum

No I said I’d answer it after you answered mine

So you admit that you can’t answer it openly

What? it’s easy to answer but I refuse to until you answer mine

Stop twisting my words