Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

either TvM or TvT.

Town vs mastermind ?

Doth this game has’t a chance of being a setup of multiple balls?


See you refuse to openly talk because you don’t want to got further down in your position since you are scum

Hjasik, thy taunt shall not w’rk anym’re as luxy shall not careth about what thee posteth until thee answ’r those folk

Why don’t you want to answer the questions?

So can you tell me why are you refusing to openly talk if you’re town?

You’re the one not openly talking, I will talk to you once you answer the questions.

It’s a simple two questions

So now you say that you aren’t against openly talking?

Answer the questions.

Again now you are refusing to talk

Answer the questions.

Decide already are you open to talk or not

Answer. The. Questions.

Why is this so hard?

Luxy, stand ho answ’ring f’r thee not to has’t senseless ultimates.

Well you haven’t answered my question and you already confirmed yourself as scum by overreacting

I answered all your questions.

Now answer mine

I am not overreacting at all

So stop trying to gaslight me

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Now you are denying what you did even tho I already showed you earlier where you did