Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!


You have the most convenient claim ever ‘oh I can claim anything’

I want to lock you into a claim now so you can’t change it later

Actually scratch that, tell me the passives you chose

Ok 1 of my day abilities is Bd kings decide fate that’s all you need to know

What passives did you choose, that’s all I want to know

Why do you want to know them?

Because it can potentially be used to clear you.


No my passive won’t clear me


I guess you die then.

Only Passive that could clear me is Kings double vote

Why don’t you try it on someone?

BecAuse it’s not passive I chose

Oh… I think I know what hjasik chose

Provided he is actually what he says he is

So if you think I am scum vote me first tommorow

Well I wasn’t gonna out it, but sure

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There’s someone else more sus than hjasik

This post pinged me hard

Hold on hjasik you’re lying

Retribution is a killing ability