Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

Someone please healeth my King (Mercenary) or am I forced to suffer the same poisony fate as he, meaning tragic death.

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What are your thoughts livi

I wath forced into marriage with Mercenary and I willst end up dying as well because of THOU, HJASIK

You come here to fluff when there was a lot of material to form reads and don’t give any of your thoughts

/vote livi

Hjasik. I can make thee spend the rest of thine days as one of proper Englishmen. Forever.

So get someone to heal the King

T wasn’t fluff

Hold thine tongue, it’s thy fault mine life is in danger

ho, the message clearly states thee did accept the feather-bed proposal

I wast forced’st into it, I hadst no choice to be married

She used that convert day ability ?

She usedst the marriage bed ability, turning any Blue Dragon into the fair Anne Boleyn

Did you have fun?

Hjasik, how darest thee ask with such a boorish mind

Howev’r god hath said “Catherine of aragorn wast hath killed f’r this so thee bes accept t”.

so aye thee did accept t.

Prithee respect the Queen n ere we wend off with thy headeth.

Oh you didn’t have choice to Refuse you didn’t have much fun then

No I didn’tst

Can someone link me to the post when Marl died


The first count of wiltshire did allow me to
So technically thee didn’t accept t but thy father didst.
Beshrew the middle ages.