Town and Soldout wins! SFOL41: [Ashe's Version] Grande Idea!

im useless in here with my class and was at work when the hammer came down, nothing i can do bout it.

Okay so basically.

I am monky

but yeah it’s definitely a case of shitposting via Nerb’s half.

Town Nerbins wouldnt do this.

/vote Nerbins

God dammit, I’m bounty hunter.

What faction are you?
I dont like you

You’re taking so much time, kinda like you went
to check your classcard which is bent

Bounty hunter.
Hamlet (Dlue Bragon) investigative.
Investigated Hjasik night 1. Not a member of evil faction.
Investigated Squid night 2. Not a member of evil faction.
Investigated Geyde night 3. Not a member of evil faction.

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Had a very fucking productive three nights.
I know someone will ask why I was pushing for an Hja lynch day 2, and that was because I don’t gain any stress if a person I investigated the previous night died, and I was hoping he might be mastermind.
I also wanted that guaranteed invest.

Retrospect I should’ve used planned takedown.
That was fucking stupid of me.

You don’t push a MM d2, also you took wayyy too long for just saying your faction is who.
I didnt even ask for your log,
Mist in bright fog

If I have 4 people trying to lynch me an hour after the day starts logs are probably necessary.

Also your classcard doesnt say it’s Dlue Bragon
Why did you add it you dragon

To clarify to the people who can’t think that hamlet is blue dragon.

It may not be tho,
You don’t know so…

The stress system probably means I am.
I wouldn’t be punished as evil by having good people killed.
But instead I do, which is why I was hesitant to vote anyone.

Also, may I ask your wincondition
Bad position

It didn’t give me one.

Seems truthful since I wasnt given one either,
Pass out the sider

Spelled cider.

Oh I forgot you’re required to rhyme.
How’d I miss that.

/replace out

I did notice i wasn’t paying attention to the game
t is kinda senseless to beest in this way