Town of Salem 2399 - The Desolation of Storp - ꜱɪɢɴᴜᴘꜱ - FILLED

K then /backup for now. We will see if I feel up to it. Plus I might just replace into lock town scum again

> This game will be larger than "ToL"FM. Are you sure you do not want to /in?

I’m not sure. Gonna give it time to settle and see how i feel ya know

Does this have anything to do with ToS?

> ToS has changed a lot over the past 300 years, but yes.


Oh no… I see… This is slightly worrying…

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I swear I pre-inned for this.


I pre-inned for any game made by Ici.

> To answer your question honestly, MU player Mantichora, known as TheCow on the ToS forums, once hosted a game called ToSFM that was a bastard mess. He then hosted a sequel on the ToS forums, and a final game on the MU forums that turned out to be Oops, All Jesters. This game’s name is inspired by that series of games, combined with the Bastard Mash hosted this year.


whats more important real life or one interesting setup

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> Why not have both?


/uninformed spec


fuck yeS thank you simon for disc ping

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Can we quote only private messages or also our classcard?

> You may quote your “Rolecard”. No guarentees that it’s real.


so uh how do games this bastard typically work. do you play it like Survivor because you have no idea what your wincon is?

now we just need to force arete to join

> I can guarentee you will know your wincon in this game.