Town of Salem goes Pay To Play

Town of Salem now costs $5.00.

As Throne of Lies is also pay-to-play, it is pretty cool to see ToS finally taking this critical step towards improving the quality of their matches.

I for one welcome this change, and I think as a community we all should. More paid SDGs is good for all of us in the long run.


It also means ToS has to do more to justify playing it


Tos has been paid on steam for a long time it doesn’t really change much, the real reason they did this was to help the bot problem on the game right now, and that’s good because that’s why I stopped playing tos for a while


I feel like they did it just to get more money


You don’t wanna know how many matches someone trolled in my games in that fright fest.

What I think they should’ve done was let steam people have their own server, and not mixed with browsers.

But again, they’re a company, and most companies that you see making games are driven by money(thankfully not ToL devs, or so I like to believe)


They fixed the botting problem beforehand; I think that it was an insurance strategy taken as a last resort.
Remember, they actually get more money from a large playerbase occasionally spending money on in-app stuff than making the game paid; that’s simply how ToS’s business model goes.

I checked out their community a while ago. they went crazy over the “who is on the dollar bill” security question.

like wtf i’m not in america how am i supposed to answer that


With the Unity update coming soon, that should provide said justification.

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Actually they didn’t, bots got around all of their countermeasures.

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Google lol

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I think this is off-topic tbh.

it was better for a few days at least lmao

Actually no - what happens to ToS has an impact on what happens to this game, just as anything that happens to Battlefield is something Call of Duty needs to look at and analyze. Just because it’s a different game doesn’t mean it isn’t applicable.

Yeah then it wasn’t

I honestly question who wastes that much time instead of making their own damn game

Unless the people making their own game got tired of the lack of progress or something lol

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I know you say don’t compare two different games in the same genre, but look at throne of lies yes you may get the average troll and they will be quickly be dealt with either through a ban, warned etc, but it costs money so if they were to make bots they would have to buy the game first which would cost around £7 so it is just to much of a loss in order to just make a few people mad, while in tos the game was free allowing users to troll free especially since they could just make another account. Note this is not against you I just want to strengthen the fact that this is a good move


No, do compare games in the same genre

There are lessons there


okay try comparing mine craft to terraria

you don’t unless you wanna trigger one side.

They both are similar. You mine stuff and craft stuff in both, and you terraform the earth to meet your needs

runs away before kids come on a witch hunt

minecraft is about building things while terraria is more like an RPG