Town of Salem has ISO Now

We can allow ISO… when we make 30 seconds days I guess? Since that’s around the same balance?

Actually, I have a question for everyone in this conversation, regardless of which side they’re on.

What evidence would be sufficient to change your mind about whether or not this feature is a good idea?

ISO doesn’t make anything stronger or weaker. Maybe easier/harder, but not stronger/weaker.

priestess would have to prove that people are god-tier speedreaders and can instantly solve games using minor QoL features

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Implementing it for a month or two and still receiving backlash.

Multiple tol newbies without ANY social deduction experience who would say “yes I like that”

evils can use an Iso feature as well

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Experimental evidence.

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now it’s way way easier to look for important claims if you’re not sure

This seems a low bar?

I’m sure I could ask around and find some people that fit that bill

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It is a low bar, but I haven’t seen it met.

I’m not going to but like

You’ve been closing your eyes


you do realise that those newbies would be surprised that anybody would not want a convenient chat filtering feature

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if we went and asked the question, absolutely fucking no new player would ever say “no”

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I mean… most people who never played social deduction before want to play a very very mechanics heavy game.
The social stuff is just a little extra.


That’s mostly you


Again I refer to the game’s own marketing


pretty much
my experience has always been that people enjoy the sheer joy of the majority/minority mechanic, and the mechanics are their initial way of exploring that