Town of Salem has ISO Now

Steam says I last played it today

that was admittedly because I checked if there were any new reports shortly after midnight but the last time I played an actual game was Sunday night


ive seen arete on a few times :eyes:

also im p sure nobody will see that message in #feedback-discuss

i actually have a life yknow
and plus i’m bored as i’m waiting for the flood of work soon
yay overtime

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when i play ToL, it’s usually during long blocks very late at night during the week
so that pobably explains it

Kid I don’t spend that much time on anything

I have way too much work

Solar Car

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Oh wait per two weeks

Maybe a bit close to 20 overall

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I meant fun stuff

I probably hit like 20 total per 2 weeks

I think my maximum was 120 hours tol in two hours.
While working the normal 40 hours per week.

That means… I had 10 hours for sleeping+free time


god I wish

I dont even work

Btw Arete, if noone answers, is that an answer too? :wink:

To me that would say nobody who is new actively browses feedback-discuss




I mean… it might be just hard to get answers on a question noone cares for

So it could say something, but not for sure. It could be by chance.

That’s a perfect reason to implement a QoL feature and not at all a reason to not do so, completely ignoring the fact that that conclusion is already questionsble

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