Town of Salem has ISO Now

I’d actually like to have ToL even more mechanic heavy, imo it’s a bit too social already

Noone of the new players actually is able to use ISO.
New tol players are almost never coming from social heavy social deduction games, so they are not experienced in that. And they struggle a lot learning the mechanics. Imagine having to learn mechanics AND social stuff on the same time… that’s pretty much impossible.
Imo people don’t start to solve socially in their first 100 hours, after that they slowly start with looking at social clues.
That’s why ISO is only good for veterans, and is a disadvantage for newbies - because its one thing to explain a newbie “yea you got executed cuz a Sheriff found you as unseen” but a completely different point to explain a newbie "yea sorry, I can’t help you, vets are just superior, and we helped them to become even more superior :woman_shrugging: "

Which is literally the point of iso

It really isn’t

Source: every RTSDG including ToL

Plus steep learning curves are what drive people to improve

Maybe you look at it from the wrong way…
I needed over 5 months of FoL to find a good use of ISO
And you think a newbie can do that without even a tutorial?

That’s exactly what ISO is for

Luckily you won’t have to because that’s not how this works

In fact that’s not how any of this works

There is a tutorial :thinking:

Where is a “how to solve socially” tutorial :thinking:

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hot take

you’re actively imposing your personal opinions (that are largely baseless - have you tried an RTSDG with ISO? I’ve tried several) on a majority of players that never asked you to speak for them under the assumption that everyone is playing ToL for the same extremely specific, extremely rare, literally not at all what the game is advertised for, reason; and you’re just hurting them in the process

It’s really hard to feel like you care about new players at all when you come out swinging against such a blatantly helpful-to-new-players, quality-of-life change with every argument you can pull out of thin air, regardless of how contradictory or nonsensical they are.

If you’re that into mechanics, maybe you’re looking for a puzzle game, not a social deduction game.

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I can’t speak for everyone, but personally I’d much rather be told ‘yes, you were caught because of specific behavior patterns that you could have changed’ than ‘yes, you were caught because you happened to be the Maid’s starting match, or because the Paladin thinks 10 is always evil’


Legit good idea

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This sounds harsher than it’s meant but my feeling is genuine

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I don’t even understand what you are saying

what genre is tol?

Real-Time Social Deduction Game

ie ToL, ToS, CC, SE, etc.

Priestess, I’m curious what aspects of ToL you think make it currently too social?

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a social deduction game with a depth of mechanics which is not reached by any other game I know

People too often get executed randomly, instead of rechecking them

Random executes are not social?

If anything that’s a complete lack of social

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