Town of Salem has ISO Now

or more specifically, the game has multiple players per team which dilutes the impact of the individuals.

This is why skilled players will generally have a disproportionately high NK winrate compared to the average player, while their BD winrates tend to be closer to the overall average.

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like how your feelings that an Iso feature would be bad because any similarity to FM makes you sad have nothing to do with the reality of the effects that it actually has in games that have actually tried it


it’s called diluting the pool
if you put a pro on a team of silver 1s in csgo and send them up against an average team

the average team will still win because the pro is not infallible and can be killed

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jokes on you for assuming that the average team isn’t silver 1 tier


However if you put that pro and silvers team against a team of only silvers then the team with the pro will win almost every time.

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let’s be real
they’re silver 2s

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means to say that average is better than poor + 1 good

this is why i would like a ranked mode but it’s a long shot imo

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the main problem there is quantification of skill given conversion and stuff.

Just don’t get converted
You don’t bend luck to your whims?

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as i said
would like it but long shot

the only way I could see it working, even in theory, is with an extremely advanced neural network AI.

And that’s just not worth the money to make.

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It might work if it was a small size and managed by people

Counterpoint: FM has nothing to do with ToL

what about getting converted into a win though

Of course bias is a factor but it would probably be the only reasonable system


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it’s advanced tech, but not that hard

Right, so the fact that a feature is present in FM usually shouldn’t influence our opinions on whether it would be a good idea for ToL. I’m glad you agree with me.


The dark side is taking hold.


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